Tuesday, June 30, 2009

la falta de youth in the brown-black alliance

A great article from La Prensa about efforts to forge a brown-black alliance in Cleveland
An excerpt (emphasis added):
"It’s time for us old dogs to step aside and trust the new generation to take more responsibilities,” Danforth said. Her comment prompted an “amen” from eighty-year old Pearl Thompson, who noticed the lack of youth present at the forum and said they have to be engaged in these conversations as children.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hispanic Fanatic hits the nail on the head

Last night after the Ohio Democratic Party State Dinner, Chris and I were talking about the vast differences that exist in the level of political clout in Ohio between Latin@s and African Americans. (For instance, in the room filled with hundreds of political personalities from around the state, I could count on one hand the number of Latin@s there--and one was busing tables for the caterer.)  As The Hispanic Fanatic points out, Latin@s around the country are experiencing this too.   I offer one comment. The author attributes this struggle in part to an "insecurity complex." He's right. Many Latin@s feel the need to assimilate and are self-conscious, etc... On the flip side, I would say that there also exists a segment of Latin@s who have been raised in White American culture and are struggling to un-assimilate; to shake off the sterile, suburban existence of their youth.